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Why You Need To Set Big Goals

Why You Need To Set Big Goals

In a previous blog, I mentioned the importance of writing down the tasks that you need to complete in order to achieve your goal.

Those many tasks are part of your BIG goal.

So basically, the tasks are the steps along your path guiding you in the direction of the achievement of YOUR BIG GOAL.

Setting big goals can scary. But the thing is that it does not have to be scary. If your BIG GOAL is realistic, then it is more likely that you will attain it.

When setting big goals, you need to consider two things:

a. Look at what motivates you

b. Create a vision for yourself

So, let’s talk about what it means to look at what motivates you.

What Motivates You!

What motivates you might be the same things that you are dreaming about. When we have those big dreams, we get excited at the possibility of what can happen.

When thinking about what motivates you, here are some questions to help get you started:
  • What do I want?
  • What do I want to accomplish in the next year, 5 years, and 10 years?
  • What is important to you?

Now, you are not thinking about your needs or necessities in life.

You are thinking about the things that you want. The things that you dream about. The things unique to you.

Write down as many as those things as possible. You can even look back at the tasks that you wrote down in your action plan.

The tasks are the things that you want to accomplish to get you to your target…your big goal.

So let me bring a little bit more perspective and importance to those tasks.

For every BIG GOAL, you should have short-term goals or objectives. No need to freak out to try to figure out what objectives are or what you should have for a short-term goal.

The exercise where you outlined the tasks in your action plan was what you needed to do to identify your short-term goals or objectives.

Importance: Your goal has to have meaning for you so that you can stay motivated. If you do not really value the goal, then you are more likely to not overcome obstacles to achieving that goal.

Therefore, set goals that are important to you. Link it to what YOU want!

Staying motivated to accomplish our goals can help us to build good, powerful habits.

Our motivation to succeed helps us to become more positive in our outlook on life.

We are then forced to change our behavior because we want to accomplish our big goal.

We start setting up processes that are valuable for our future, while living in the present.

What Your Vision?

So now we have talked about what motivates you, we are now going to talk about creating a vision for yourself.

Your vision for your big goals helps to keep you excited. Your vision helps you to stay focus.

Ask yourself:
“Am I willing to do what it needed to achieve my big goal?”

Your vision is what helps you to make those long-term improvements. Your vision helps you to want to complete the small tasks that you have to accomplish to reach that BIG GOAL.

Your vision helps you to be resilient.

This is because when you are working on the tasks that are supporting your big goal, you know that it is does not make sense to spend time in meaningless time wasting tasks.

You want every task to have the purpose of moving you one step closer to accomplishing your dream or BIG GOAL.

As you continue to engage in purposeful actions, you begin to get REAL with yourself. The tasks that we outlined to accomplish in our action plan help us to see that our big goal IS attainable.

Celebrate yourself when you accomplish a task!

This will help you maintain your vision of success and motivate you to continue to the next task or small goal.

Then you will be one step closer to your BIG GOAL.

Remember every journey requires one step or action at a time!

Set big goals, think big, but remember to be realistic and specific.

So now that you are thinking about your current life and your future success for your business, take that step towards your success with our free planning guide

Here are the resources that I used to develop this article:

  1. The 5 reasons you should set big goals.  
  2. Mind Tools 
  3. 3 essential steps to set and achieve big goals
  4. 10 Keys to setting and achieving big goals

Remember that Solutions+Actions=Results! (SoAR!) 

Thanks for reading. 


Dr. Priscilla "Dr. P"  Kucer

Founder & CEO 

Priscilla Kucer Consulting Solutions


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Dr. Priscilla Kucer "Dr. P" is a strategic business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs and small organizations to become unstuck and grow their business strategically. She graduated from Grand Canyon University, Nova Southeastern University, and the University of the West Indies with degrees related to education, psychology, leadership, and organizational development.

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