SoAR! With Coaching™ Blog

Are Your Goals Realistic?

Are Your Goals Realistic?

You need to be realistic in your goal setting. 

Writing your goals down increases you’re chances that you are going to be successful

BUT, remember that you are not just writing anything done.

You NEED to be specific in your goal writing!!!

Remember the example I gave in my blog on specific goal? If not, no worries. Here is that example again of a specific goal.

Vague I want more money

SpecificBy the end of December 2020, I will be earning $70, 000 as a real estate agent in Washington.

Your goals need to be specific AND they NEED to be realistic. So after you are being specific in goal, you need to check your goal to see if it is realistic.

There are several resources out there on successful goal setting. I found two that contain easy to read information on setting realistic goals.

The College for Adult Learning and Mindtools are two resources that talk about successful goal setting. Both of them highlight the need to be realistic in your goals if you want to give yourself a chance at reaching your goal.

What is a realistic goal?

So to have a realistic goal means that your goal should reflect an objective that you want to work towards getting. An objective you actually meet .... a goal you can actually achieve!

Let's talk about small goals...

Smaller goals can be a means of helping you bring the realism into your goal as they can provide you with small wins when you accomplish them.

The smaller goals can help you face the reality of the obstacles that may be in your way along your path to your larger goals.

You know your desires!

Finally, don’t let others influence your realism for your goal. You know your wants and desires better than your friends and family. They do not know your desires and ambitions. Listen to yourself about what you need to accomplish to achieve success.

Basically, to write specific and realistic goals means that you are writing a goal that you can actually achieve!

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here, and I’ll gladly give you access to our planning guide.


Dr. Priscilla Kucer

Dr. Priscilla Kucer "Dr. P" is a strategic business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs and small organizations to become unstuck and grow their business strategically. She graduated from Grand Canyon University, Nova Southeastern University, and the University of the West Indies with degrees related to education, psychology, leadership, and organizational development.

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