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ATTENTION! You Need An Action Plan To Achieve Your Goals

ATTENTION! You Need An Action Plan To Achieve Your Goals

So what is an action plan?

An action plan is a document where you list the tasks that you need to complete to accomplish your goals. Think of the action plan as a checklist

The action plan is used to define the tasks as actions based on a timeline.

The action plan helps you to reach your specific and realistic goals as efficiently as possible by assigning a timeframe for every step in the process.

The action plan also helps you to monitor your progress towards your goals

Now that we have talked about what an action plan is, the next thing I want to talk about is how to write an action plan.

It can be challenging to actually create an action plan. I am going to share with you 5 steps to follow when creating an action plan

Step 1 –

Set specific goals

If you need to learn about setting specific and realistic goals, I recommend that you read my blog on setting specific goals as well as my other blog on creating realistic goals.

Step 2 – Create a list of actions

Creating a list of actions means that you are making a list of the tasks that you need to complete to reach your goals.

In this step, you will be looking at your main goal then dividing that goal into smaller objectives.

This step helps to make it less overwhelming to meet your big goals.

In this step, you need to make sure that your actions are attainable and should be very much related to your goal.  

To help create this list, you can think of what you are already doing and what you will need to be doing

Step 3 – Set a timeline

• You need to establish a deadline and timeframe for completing each task in the process

•When you are creating your timeline, make sure that it is reasonable for you to follow and to maintain consistent progress toward the goal

• Consider the amount time you need to complete the goal

Step 4 – Identify the resources for task completion

Assess your skills and abilities to determine if you have the skills and abilities to accomplish each task.

If you are lacking in skills and abilities, you will need to look into workshops and online trainings to help you develop the skills that you need. Don’t give up.

If you have other team members in your organization that have included in your tasks to accomplish the goals, you need to identify the most qualified employees for each task in your action plan

Other resources would also include your budget. So make sure you have the budget to accomplish your tasks

Step 5 – Monitor and update your progress

• This step is really about accountability. Holding yourself accountable for your action plan. It can also help with reducing anxiety because as you monitor, you will get to check tasks off your list

• In this step of monitoring your progress, describe how you will ensure that you complete each of the tasks in your action plan.

• Include how often you will be checking your progress. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly. By doing these periodic checks will help you build habits.

• This would allow you to gain a clearer picture of your progress that you are making towards your goal.

• This clearer picture can also include a need to alter your action plan. Life happens. You might have encountered setbacks that you did not expect. Remember this is your action plan. Make the necessary adjustment and keep going and complete the tasks in your plan. You will reach that goal.


So let’s recap, we focused on creating action plans in this video. Action plans include a list of  tasks that you need to complete to meet your goals. In your action plan, you define those tasks. There are five steps you complete when creating your action plan. Those include :

Step 1 – Set specific and realistic goals

Step 2 – Create a list of actions

Step 3 – Set a timeline

Step 4 – Identify resources for task completion

Step 5 – Monitor and update your progress

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here, and I’ll gladly give you access to my free eBook.


Dr. Priscilla Kucer (Dr. P)

Founder & CEO 

Priscilla Kucer Consulting Solutions.

Dr. Priscilla Kucer "Dr. P" is a strategic business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs and small organizations to become unstuck and grow their business strategically. She graduated from Grand Canyon University, Nova Southeastern University, and the University of the West Indies with degrees related to education, psychology, leadership, and organizational development.


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