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I Don’t Have Any Skills to be An Entrepreneur

I Don’t Have Any Skills to be An Entrepreneur

" Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.”

―Sara Blakely, Founder & CEO of Spanx

This is more true than you might be thinking right now.

There’s lot of things that I don’t know. But it took me a while to realize that that’s fine.

It can be scary to think of the things that we don’t know. Many of us have a habit of comparing ourselves to others and thinking that the other person is so much more knowledgeable.

We focus on what they seem to know but then focus on what we don’t know.

I have done that before.

From the time I started my journey as a school psychologist and then when I made the decision to be an entrepreneur.

I kept focusing on all the things that I didn’t know.

But guess what, by doing that, I was just blocking my own success.

We can be our biggest critics and we can sabotage our own successes in life.

I thought that I was learning and building up a repertoire of these amazing skills that I would need to be a school psychologist and even a successful entrepreneur. But the thing was that I was just using my quest for knowledge as a block.

As an excuse to not move forward.

There are tons of things I don’t know about several topics. But I remember the day when I sat down and actually listed out all of the things that I do know.

But more specifically those things that are related to being an entrepreneur. The list was by far longer that I expected.

Once I did that list, I was better able to identify where my weaknesses were and where I could use my strengths to truly get into action and work towards the goals that I had outlined for my business

We need to spend more time focusing on our strengths if we want to be taking action and moving forward.

Being a leader is not knowing how to do everything.

Being an effective leader is about knowing when to reach out for help and delegate a task to someone else for them to complete.

So knowing your skills, both your strengths and your weaknesses are important for the success of your business.

Then this will allow us to incorporate our skills into our strategic plan for our business, especially when it comes to taking actions!

Knowing and acknowledging out strengths and weaknesses gives us self-awareness to be effective leaders.

Ways you can find out your strengths and weaknesses include completing a SWOT analysis, doing a personality test, and working with a business coach.

If you want to learn more about what you need to have a successful business, you can grab our free eBook here.

Thanks for reading.


Dr. Priscilla Kucer "Dr. P"

Founder & CEO

Priscilla Kucer Consulting Solutions, LLC


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Dr. Priscilla Kucer "Dr. P" is a strategic business coach who enjoys helping entrepreneurs and small organizations to become unstuck and grow their business strategically. She graduated from Grand Canyon University, Nova Southeastern University, and the University of the West Indies with degrees related to education, psychology, leadership, and organizational development.

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